History & Mission

History & Mission


The Mission of the CDAC is to prevent initiation into substance misuse and to minimise
drug-related harm. This is achieved through: 

Increase societal awareness about substance misuse and health-related issues;

Increase service user’s life skills to promote physical, mental and social wellbeing, as well as say no to drugs, tobacco and alcohol; and

Promote healthy lifestyle through cross-sector collaboration.


社區藥物教育輔導會於 1985 年成立,是一個致力推動藥物教育及健康教育的非津助社會服務機構,本會成立初期有賴一群熱心關注青少年濫用藥物問題的家長及專業人士的支持;經過三十多年的不斷努力開拓及經驗累積,社區藥物教育輔導會現已發展成一個專業的社會服務機構,為社區提供適切的健康抗毒教育服務及預防吸毒服務。

About CDAC

Established in 1985, CDAC is a bilingual charitable organisation and currently a member agency of the Hong Kong Community Chest and Hong Kong Council of Social Services. It was formed by a group of parents and volunteer professionals, who all shared a common concern – teenage drug abuse in Hong Kong. Having over twenty years of experience and exposure in drug education, CDAC remains dedicated to continuing our founders’ work, with aims to raise more community awareness about drug misuse in Hong Kong.

We conduct programmes for young people, school personnel, parents and community members, enhancing their life skills to promote physical, mental and social wellbeing, with an aim to preventing substance misuse and addictions. All programmes are interactive and tailor-made for participants from different age groups and backgrounds. We also collaborate with various services, professionals and sectors for integrated and coordinated anti-drug services. Please feel free to contact us for consultation and download our application forms for programme enrolment.